About Joe
Joe from Texas is a family man with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who has had tremendous success and lived the American dream. His beliefs are both straightforward and deeply held. He believes in God, his family, and the United States of America.
Joe began his full-time working career in the late 1960’s in the oilfield, shipyards, then ironworking, carrying his tools and climbing hundreds of feet in the air. He traveled all over the country hanging iron on many buildings and bridges in the gulf coast region.
Joe recognized that after a large rain, the ground conditions prohibited all work using heavy equipment and this of course prevented him from working as well.

As a company man and a quick learner, Joe realized that if he could help the company continue to work during wet and muddy conditions, he could continue hanging iron and could better support his family. So, he borrowed $2,750 and purchased the materials needed to build what would become the first 10 crane mats that he built. His mats were a huge success allowing him and his company to continue working in poor weather conditions.
Soon after, his employer asked if he could build more mats. As word spread, other companies requested mats as well, and Joe’s family-owned company was born. In the following decades, he would patent several designs and grow the company into the oldest and one of the world’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of ground protection and construction mats.
Through the years, Joe’s business has continued to grow through hard work and innovation. He has continually worked to improve his products and develop new products to meet emerging needs and, during this time, he has come to hold many patents.
Joe also has experience in the banking industry, having served on several bank boards (public & private) for over 26 years. Additionally, he served almost three terms on his local school board, a partial term followed by his election to two additional full terms.
Joe’s faith has been a pillar in building his business as he has always sought to follow the golden rule of treating others the way that we would like to be treated. Building personal relationships with others has been a major contributing factor in his success and has led him to seek to give back.
Joe, his company, and his family have long been involved with a number of charitable organizations that seek to help those are who in need.
They believe the best America is one in which fellow citizens look out for one another instead of waiting on the government as the main source of help.